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Well Hello There and Welcome!!


I'm Viri Gutierrez and I'm so happy you are here! I am a wreath designer, wife, and a stay at home mommy of 3 beautiful kiddos.


I am located in Andrews, Texas and have been a wreath designer since 2013. My creative business  and love of wreath making started when I was at home with my little ones and I wanted to keep myself when I wasn't changing diapers or doing laundry! One day I purchased a wreath and I liked it but didn't love I thought I'd take it apart because it needed a little more pop of color and some tweaking. As I was putting the wreath back together I enjoyed it so much I thought I'd make another...and another...and another!! To this day I am still making wreaths and I really have fun with every single design I make. A lot of love, thought, detail, and effort goes in every wreath, garland, and home décor piece I create. 




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