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Christmas is almost here!

Hey Y'all!! I am so excited that I am taking the bull by the horns and I'm finally beginning a blog! Whaaaaat?? I know, this sounds a little weird to me too. But I'm more excited than nervous at this point!

Now if you know me personally, you know that growing up I was very quiet, always followed all the rules and only had a few good friends who I mostly talked to......but as an adult my personality has actually been the opposite! Don't get me wrong, I still follow the rules but I like to define myself as a "people person" and I am far from quiet now! I really enjoy meeting my lovely lady customers whether it's in person or online, I always catch myself chatting away and finding something in common right off the bat.

But back to our topic y'all! Christmas is almost here and I am so not ready! Are you? I feel like kiddos were barely returning back to school and now I'm scrambling around the house looking for wrapping paper and tape! But the good news is that I have finally finished all my shopping but now to wrap up 25 gifts. And as a creative person I am procraftinating....starting a blog instead of wrapping gifts and getting my house ready to receive our family here in 4 days, but it's only because I love y'all of course! Aaaaahhhhhh....Ok I better go start gift wrapping! Hope you will enjoy my blog! I can't wait to start blogging weekly and sharing stories with y'all! Have an amazing Wednesday!

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